Latest Consultation on the Neighbourhood Development Plan

At the beginning of the project to prepare our Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) the first step was to get neighbourhood plan area designation from Stratford District Council (SDC).   Based on the Parish boundary at that time, the area designation application was approved by SDC in February 2014.  In May 2015 a new Parish boundary came into force and the NDP was prepared based on this new and current boundary.   SDC never updated the area designation approved in 2014.

Earlier this year we conducted the Regulation 14 formal consultation in which our NDP was available for you to comment on and was also sent to a number of statutory bodies advised by SDC.    Following this consultation a few changes were made to the NDP in response to comments received and the Regulation 16 document produced and submitted to SDC in June 2016 for them to progress.     

One step that SDC conduct is a review of the NDP by an independent examiner.    During the Examination of the NDP in October 2016, the Examiner discovered that due to the Parish boundary change that came into force in May 2015, the NDP had been prepared on an area that differed to the boundary area designation approved by SDC in February 2014.         

This meant that the Plan had been prepared for an area which had not been designated as a neighbourhood plan area.  The Examiner informed SDC that the NDP as submitted for examination was not legally compliant.  It became necessary to rectify the area application designation to match the new boundary.   This has now been done.

As a result we need to rerun the consultation conducted earlier this year and following this resubmit the Regulation 16 NDP.   No changes have been made to the Plan or any of the associated documentation in the intervening period.  The consultation period will be from 11th November 2016 to 5th January 2017.

A copy of the plan and supporting documents can be viewed online in section 3 ‘Consultation Documents’ – on the Parish website: 

Should you wish to make comments on the plan this should be done using the representation form available from online (at the web site above) or by requesting a copy from the Parish Council Clerk, Liz Butterworth.

Email:  or by post to:  The Clerk of the Parish Council, Liz Butterworth,  Alne View, Pathlow, CV37 0ES and once completed return to The Clerk of the Parish Council.