Meeting 7 – 6th May 2014

Wilmcote Neighbourhood Planning Group

Minutes of Meeting                                                                                                    Number 7

Held at the Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 6th May 2014

In attendance;

Ted Mander, Jennie Clarke representing P.C.

Alan Griffith(Chair), Roger Harrison (Treasurer), Lisa Plumb, John Singleton, Stuart Taylor, Nick Willson, Richard Hoskin, Kate Compton, Peter and Emma Ward,


Colin Ray, Keith Vinning, Ken Guy, John and Jill Philps, Hugh Frost

Circulation all the above plus, Peter Goddard, Lisa Cashmore, Yvonne Burt, Steve Howell, Liz Hunt, Peter Howard, Jennifer Jackson, Deanna Fernie, Jackie Bates, Pam Reynolds

  1. Minutes of Last Meeting dated 1st April 2014
    1. The minutes where accepted as a true record of the meeting.


  1. Matters Arising.
    1. No actions that are not covered in the agenda.


  1. P.C. Report
    1. Ted Mander advised that there were rumours that  The Local Service Villages may be excluded from the District Plan for future housing. AG to review with SDC.

Action  AG

POST NOTE: On checking the web site at SDC the Core Strategy plan for the district updated today, still advises that Wilmcote must cater for up to 75 additional homes.

  1. Communications
    1. LP confirmed that the Web and Hard copy in the Shop has been updated with the Control Plan and other documents.
    2. Quarterly flyer for end of April was handed out to the distributors at the meeting.

Action  All

    1. Meeting discussed whether residents were aware of what was happening as some have stated they have not received any correspondence. There seems to be a problem that some are treating the flyers as junk mail.  It was agreed in addition to placing the flyer on the parish notice board also to place on the board at the school and at the village shop.

Action E.W/L.P.

    1. The open meeting was discussed.  It was agreed to put out another flyer through the doors 10 days before the meeting on 16th June.

Action  LP/AG

    1. LP advised that no resident had made contact via the web site.  Any comments would be received by LP.
    2. Pam Reynolds to be copied in with all public correspondence.


  1. Treasures Report
    1. Current bank balance stands at £316.00.
    2. Grant application submitted to Locality the agents for the government.


  1. Sector Leaders Update
    1. Infrastructure and UtilitiesTelephone/Fibre optic.Contact has been made with all the suppliers and it would appear there is an excellent service to the village with plenty of spare capacity.  The next generation of communications has also been explored.


      National Grid

      Grid was updated when Stone Pits was built. No problem expected.


      Severn Trent

      They say that they would respond to any additional demand.

      ST will not provide drawing unless we pay circa £300.  No action.

      TM advised that he felt the main outfall for sewage was 225mm diameter.


      London Midland

      No plans for development of Wilmcote station particularly a Car Park. Section 106/ CIL should be considered to resolve this issue if the village believes it is essential.


      Road Transport

      Contact is being maintained with WCC. Nothing currently planned for the village.


      Bus Service

      This was discussed as an issue. The principle issue is drop off locations in Wilmcote and Stratford.



    2. Amenities
      1. Peter and Emma Ward advised that they are in discussions with the various amenities/ organisations in the village to finalise the key issues to their future development. Once these are complete a list of questions will be finalised.
    3. Private Housing
      1. It was reported that the Travellers’ site is one Council tax hence the inability to balance the households with the council tax list.
      2. JS has investigated the historical tax band lists of properties, ( 8 tax bands) and since 1994 , 114 home have been added, of which 83 have been added from the start of 2001.  The net increase now required is in line with previous growth.
    4. Social Housing
      1. JP/JP where not present but have advised the chair that Orbit seem to be the principle social housing provider in the village. They have advised that they do have a high turnaround in occupancy due to the remoteness of the village to Stratford.
      2. JP/JP still investigating the possible shared ownership off Swanfold.

Action JP/JP

It was noted by those present that there were 4 bungalows in the Glebe with at least another 4 to 8 houses that are managed by Orbit. Further investigation required.

                                                                                                 Action JP

      1. Stair Casing funding for Wilmcote residents (locals).  This was discussed and seen as an excellent method for young families to get on the housing ladder.

Action JP

      1. All present felt the need to have the right balance of social with private housing was important. This must be one of the key questions.
      2. JS to discuss with JP/JP his findings on housing and share/compare with those of JP.

Action JS/JP

    1. Commercial/Industrial/ Retail
      1. RH outlined his findings regarding this sector which had identified that there where a significant number of registered businesses in the Parish.  He explained that there may be a need for a section within the questionnaire to address business issues that may affect the plan.Further research is required to clarify the issues and the resultant questions for the final questionnaire.Action RH






  1. Public Presentation
    1. Village HallNick Willson confirmed the hall was booked for the evening of 26th June from 7.00pm for the public presentation.
    2. Presentation Material.
      1. The meeting ran through a list of fixed displays suggested by AG .The following was agreed.-Road Map of the Parish,  A1

        – Wilmcote Parish Map,  A1

        – Detail Maps, Wilmcote Parish Section only

        A1 ,Drawing marked showing Amenities

        A1, Drawing marked showing Commercial/Ind/Retail

        A1, Drawing marked showing Conservation Area and Flood Plan

        Pathlow Section only

        A1 ,Drawing , split to show Commercial/Ind/Retail

      2. All the above will be mounted on display boards, on the evening.
    3. Power Point Slides
      1. The initial thoughts are;
        1. Overview of objectives and reason for the plan
        2. Committee Team
        3. Process Diagram
        4. Where we are in the process
        5. Sector Reviews
          1. Housing
          2. Social Housing
          3. Amenities
          4. Commercial/Industrial/Retail
          5. Infrastructure and Utilities
        6. Questionnaire Preparation and Circulation
        7. Completion of Questionnaire  by residents
        8. Processes to Completion
        9. Public Consultation
        10. Question and Answer Session

It was agreed that AG would chair the presentation.

Sector leaders to head up their respective sections identifying the key issues and the questions developed as a result of the issues identified.

Target is to complete the presentation within 30 minutes, and leave plenty of time for Q and A.

RH advised that he will be on holiday on the 26th, AG or ANO to head up the C.I.R. section.


  1. Programme
    1. AG pointed out that the Core Plan for SDC is scheduled for May 2015.It was felt that any programme should be in line with SDC programme to ensure WNPG thoughts are included.
    2. At this point in time the Group will endeavour to complete the questions by mid July and forward these to SDC for developing the questionnaire and despatching to the various households.
    3. The above would hopefully mean that the completed forms would be available for analysis towards the end of the Summer/Autumn.  This will enable the NPG to start to formulate the draft plan later in the year and seek approval, which will give approx 5 months to finalise the plan.
    4. AG to review with SDC at his next meeting with the new co-ordinator the interface dates with the Core Plan development programme are known.

Action  AG

  1. Any other Business
    1. Local Service Village Plan to be checked with SDC.

Action  AG

                                SEE POST NOTE UNDER 4 ABOVE

    1. CRH advised that research had been done into Consultants to evaluate the questionnaire.
      1. Three identified, Simon Purfield( proposals coordinator for SDC), David Hurns from Leamington and Stuart Vicks  who has less experience and based in Redditch.
      2. Key issue when selecting a consultant will be experience and fee level. Fee level would have to be below £500 per day due to grant restrictions.
      3. Simon Purfield has advised that he has an evaluation programme already set up and as he is the co-ordinator for SDC he may be very suitable.
    2. Meeting discussed the need to agree and rationalise the key issues per sector and the likely question. It was agreed by all that the Chair, Treasurer and the sector leaders would meet up to review the findings in 2 to 3 weeks, This will hopefully mean that by the time of the next full meeting a comprehensive list of questions should be available.
  1. Next  Meeting
    1. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 3rd June at 7.30pm at the village hall.