Meeting No 11 – 2nd September 2014

Wilmcote Neighbourhood Planning Group

Minutes of Meeting                                                                                                  Number 11

Held at the Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 2nd September 2014

In attendance:

Colin Ray and Ted Mander – PC representatives

Alan Griffith (Chairman), Roger Harrison (Treasurer), John Singleton, Richard Hoskin, Jamie Perry, Nick Willson, Emma and Peter Ward, Peter Goddard, Peter Howard, Lisa Foskett, Norman Lee, Pete Long, Ken Guy, Deanna Fernie, Keith Vinning

Apologies:  Hugh Frost, Jennie Clarke, Kate Compton and Diana Lee

Circulation to all those above plus, Sarah Carrington Gull, Stuart Taylor, Yvonne Burt, Steve Howell, Jennifer Jackson, Lisa Cashmore, John and Gill Philps, Liz Hunt, Jackie Bates, Liz Butterworth

1.      Minutes of Last Meeting dated 5th August 2014.

a.       These were accepted by all in attendance.


2.      Matters Arising

a.       It was agreed that all actions were covered in the agenda for meeting 11.


3.      PC Report

a.       The Parish Council representatives confirmed there were no specific issues to report.

b.      AG advised the meeting that the group is now reaching the stage where approval will be required from the PC for certain key issues and actions. As a steering committee of the PC, the WNPG, representing the residents, will lead the process but the PC will take the final responsibility for the Neighbourhood Plan.

Roger Harrison and Alan Griffith will now attend the PC meetings to report and seek approval for key issues, such as major expenditure, final questionnaire etc.

c.       AG advised that SDC has now sent out to PC’s a framework document for setting up a NPG. This has various controls set out in the document, all covered in the WNPG Control Plan. AG has agreed with the PC to cross reference the framework document to the Control Plan and append it to the Constitution.                                         Action AG


4.      Control Plan

a.       Amended during the month to develop environmental research and reporting on sites.

b.      Approval received from the meeting.

c.       AG will amend again to include the reporting to the PC now that the critical stages have been reached.

d.      LF advised that the Web site has been updated with the new control plan.


5.      Sector Reports

a.       Housing

i.      The private housing report is now complete.

ii.      Social housing details available, final report to be completed.      Action PG

b.      Commercial/Industrial/Retail

i.      Completed research document now complete, being reviewed.

c.       Amenities

i.      Report now complete following discussions with 30 parties. Contact details to be added to the report to ensure all reports have the same information.

Action EW/PW

d.   Utilities and Infrastructure

i.   Report complete.


6.      Environmental Report.

a.       JP and DF have made contact with all the relevant parties and are now in a position to draft a general report.

b.      Awaiting feedback from Warwickshire Wildlife Trust, Natural England, Canal and River Trust, Historical Society, HER etc.

c.       WCC have had many requests for Environmental reports. They are prepared to complete a full report, however they will charge for the service.  It was agreed that, with the current budget limitations, the group will not appoint WCC until the response from the request for information is received and any flexibility in the budget is more certain.


7.      Development Sites Review

a.       Planner’s Report and Last Meeting Review

i.      At the public meeting, open to all residents of Wilmcote and Pathlow, on 26th June all of the 82 attendees were given the opportunity to mark on a map of the Parish where they felt new housing developments should be sited.

ii.      This map, showing 23 locations in Wilmcote & Pathlow, was given to the independent planning consultant (IPC), David Holmes, appointed to assist the WNPG in site selection.

iii.      The IPC eliminated the 4 sites in Pathlow as unsustainable and isolated. He considered 8 sites in Wilmcote to have an unacceptable impact on the landscape and nature conservation, some also with difficult access and a further 4 sites to have inadequate access. Another site was eliminated because it would have an unacceptable visual impact. This left a short-list of 6 possible housing development sites, of which 2 are in the Conservation area.

iv.      The IPC report was circulated to the WNPG in advance of its meeting on 5th August – chaired by Roger Harrison in the absence of Alan Griffith – and all 23 sites were discussed at length. The meeting, no.10, accepted the IPC’s assessment for all except 4 sites, for which it sought to re-assess whether planning approval could be possible. This will be raised with Matthew Neale, SDC, at a meeting on 11th September.

v.      All of the sites considered for possible development will be investigated for historic, archaeological and environmental significance.

vi.      All of the sites, together with the IPC’s comments, considered for possible development will be included in the questionnaire to be distributed to every household in the Parish.


b.      Stud Land ( Behind Stone Pits and Glebe Farm)

i.      It was noted that following a second meeting, the owners would now be prepared to sell some of this land for housing, currently arable.

The independent planning consultant had pointed out that this land had previously been identified by SDC’s consultant as being a good location for new housing development.

Following the review of David Holmes’s report it was agreed to add this land to the possible site list for inclusion in the questionnaire.

Action           AG to clearly identify the area identified in the SDC report.

ii.      It was noted that the area known as the Bovis Triangle is owned by SDC and that the PC have a lease on the Willow Wood playground area, which must be moved or modified if the adjoining land is developed.


c.       Station House Land.

i.      Since the last meeting, the PC has received planning details for circa 55 homes on the land between the canal and the railway line. No formal application submitted yet.  This incorporates and extends site 18 and the land running south towards Stratford.

ii.      After a lengthy discussion, it was agreed that this did not alter the fact that the site was ruled out by the IPC and this conclusion was endorsed at the last WNPG meeting. The development proposal is for a far larger site.

iii.      AG recorded his personal interest in the site as it overlooks his property.

AG was not present at the last meeting.


d.      SDC Review

i.      As agreed previously the NP Coordinator, Matthew Neal will review the sites selected and make his comments. Meeting set up for 11th September at 2.00pm. WNPG to be represented by AG, John Singleton and Peter Howard.

ii.      Once this review is complete, the final list of sites will be agreed by the WNPG and incorporated into the Questionnaire.

iii.      This information will then be forwarded to SDC so they are aware of the preferred sites. This will help if planning applications are received.


e.      Site Environmental Review

i.      This will continue through the process so that findings can be incorporated into the draft/ final reports.




8.      Questionnaire

a.       Wording and Content

i.      In order not to put off residents from responding, it was felt that the document should not get any longer.

ii.      RH had received several replies with suggested changes after the August meeting and had circulated the latest version before this meeting. He will review once more with other responses on the environmental issues. All other parties were happy with content and sequence following discussion.

iii.      Draft will be put to PC for comment and final approval on 17th September.

b.      Maps

i.      It was agreed to have 3 maps in the questionnaire.

1.       Environmental Map showing key areas, A4                          Action  JP

2.       Map showing sites for selection by residents A3

3.       Map showing all sites considered in Parish, A4

ii.      The environmental map may be inserted early in the questionnaire.

c.       Printing

i.      RH and LF are organising quotes for the printing. Approval by PC.  Action  RH

ii.      Meeting discussed if the questionnaire is for individuals or households to complete. It was agreed to be households. If additional copies are required for individuals, they will be provided and will need to be printed.

d.    Format

i     It was agreed to keep the current sequence. The format will be similar to Welford. This will help respondents focus on the answers rather than the guidance notes.

e.    Timing is critical (see Treasurer’s report)

i.    The following timetable was discussed and is proposed for PC approval.

1.       Sign off Content by PC                   17th September

2.       Amend if necessary                        18th to 19th September

3.       Agree Printing Quote                     17th September

4.       Format questionnaire                    19th Sept to 27th Sept

5.       Print Questionnaire                        29th Sept to 6th October

6.       Distribute                                            W/C 6th October 2014

7.       Residents complete Questionnaire  6th October to 17th November

8.       Evaluation of Questionnaire        18th November to 31st December

ii.   These target dates are to be improved, where possible.

f.     Distribution

iii.      It was agreed that the distribution would be done by hand. Schedule to be prepared for each committee member to take responsibility for circa 20 households each.                                           Action  AG/LF/RH to draw up schedule

g.     Public meeting

To be organised following the distribution of the questionnaire.

i.    Date will be Wednesday 22nd October 2014

ii.    AG to check availability of hall.                                   Action AG




9.       Treasurers Report

a.       RH confirmed that, as noted under item 3 above, the PC will need to approve main expenditure and be ultimately responsible for the payment of cheques.

RH will authorise invoices and the PC members will sign the cheques.

It was acknowledged that the Treasurer must be responsible for controlling the budget.

CR confirmed that delegated powers and the control processes are to be agreed on 17th September at the PC meeting.

b.      The original grant application was for the maximum £7,000.  £4,725 was awarded as funding to produce the main elements of the plan, of which 10% is withheld until the first instalment of £4,253 is spent.

c.       As future funding from The Department for Communities and Local Government is uncertain, RH wants to be in a position to claim the 10% before the year end and also to be able to apply for the balance of £2,275. Hence the reason why the target dates for the questionnaire must be achieved.

d.      RH confirmed that the latest estimate of immediate expenditure does not include any further consultant fees or additional printing costs. PC representatives will consider contingencies when appropriate.                                                Action CR/TM


10.  Communications

a.       LF advised that Website and Facebook are up to date.  No emails needed response.

b.      Page booked for the Vine in October. LF and AG to prepare text.           Action  AG/LF

c.       Post Note. Flyer will be required for Public Meeting on 22nd October.


11.   AOB

a.       SDC Request for Additional Sites

i.      This general notice was discussed as it could impact the WNPG work.

ii.      JS pointed out that according to the small print, if there is a NP being prepared, this request does not apply.  AG/JS to check on 11th September when they meet Matthew Neal.                                                          Action AG/JS

b.      Delay in Core Strategy

i.      The meeting discussed the delay in the completion of the SDC Core Strategy and the risks this brings to the Parish, of developers putting in planning permission for unsuitable sites.

ii.      PC is requested to register the major concerns of the WNPG.  RH and AG to table concerns at the PC meeting on 17th September.               Action  AG/RH


12.   Next Meeting

a.       Tuesday 7th October 2014 at 7.30 pm, Village Hall