Village Vine Article October 2014


Since the last report in the Vine your Committee has continued to undertake research into all sectors within the Village. These reports are in the main now almost all complete.

This research has identified several options for the future development of the village so that we can sensibly accommodate the 75 houses, if the demand is identified between 2011 and 2031. As most of you will appreciate several houses have already secured planning and been built since 2011.

An Independent Consultant in July 2014 looked at 24 sites and reported back on the most suitable, based on this knowledge of national planning guide lines and those specific to the District/ Village.

Your committee will be sending out questionnaires early October for you to complete. These questionnaires will be all embracing and the responses will be evaluated by an independent assessor.

Dates for your diary:

Public Presentation at the Village Hall at 7.00pm on Thursday 23rd October 2014 – Subject – Update and Questionnaire

Open Time at the Village Hall between 2.00 and 4pm on Saturday 1st November 2014 – WNPG members will be available to answer questions on a one to one basis.

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